Hello, my name is
Harsh Puri
Im an Innovative guy who is really passionate about

About Me

My name is Harsh Puri and Im a tech guy who is passionate about

Hello there! I'm a tech enthusiast with a passion for sales. My journey in the world of technology has equipped me with a diverse skill set, ranging from proficiency in various technologies and tools to a deep understanding of how they can be leveraged for business growth. I thrive on the ever-evolving nature of the tech industry and its potential to drive innovation and enhance efficiency. Currently, I'm on the lookout for an entry-level role that allows me to combine my technical knowledge with my enthusiasm for sales, helping organizations bridge the gap between cutting-edge solutions and their customers' needs. If you're seeking a motivated individual who can bring a fresh perspective to your team, I'd love to connect and explore potential opportunities. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

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My Skills

Technical Proficiency:

I possess a strong foundation in various technologies and tools, making me a valuable asset in today's tech-driven world. From programming languages like Python and C++ to database management systems such as SQL, I've honed my skills to tackle complex technical challenges. My experience extends to cloud computing platforms like AWS and Azure, where I've worked on projects ranging from cloud migration to serverless architecture. Additionally, I'm well-versed in web development, with expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allowing me to create user-friendly and responsive websites. This technical versatility equips me to adapt to ever-evolving tech landscapes and contribute effectively to a wide range of projects.

Sales Acumen:

My passion for sales runs deep, and I've developed a keen understanding of the art and science of selling. I excel in building meaningful client relationships, understanding their needs, and providing tailored solutions. My persuasive communication skills, both written and verbal, have allowed me to successfully convey complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders, bridging the gap between technology and business objectives. I'm adept at creating compelling sales presentations, conducting market research, and identifying opportunities for revenue growth. My enthusiasm for sales is not only a skill but a driving force in my career, making me a results-oriented and customer-focused professional.

Adaptability and Learning Agility

In the fast-paced world of technology, adaptability and a hunger for continuous learning are paramount. I thrive in dynamic environments where change is the norm. My ability to quickly grasp new concepts and technologies has allowed me to stay ahead in an ever-evolving industry. I'm not afraid to dive into uncharted territory and expand my skill set to meet emerging challenges. Whether it's mastering a new programming language or staying updated on the latest industry trends, my commitment to learning ensures that I remain a versatile and forward-thinking professional who can tackle any obstacle that comes my way.

My Skills

My creative skills & experiences.

With a strong foundation in web development, proficiency in C++, and extensive experience working with Visual Studio, I bring a unique blend of technical skills to the table. My creative problem-solving abilities and eye for design have allowed me to excel in creating user-friendly web interfaces while optimizing code efficiency in C++. Leveraging Visual Studio's powerful development environment, I've successfully executed various projects, from web applications to desktop software, demonstrating a commitment to both quality and innovation in every endeavor.

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css js react flutter
html nodedjs vscode c++

Contact Me

Let's Get in Touch

I'm always eager to connect and explore new opportunities, whether it's collaborating on exciting projects or engaging in meaningful discussions. Feel free to reach out to me.

Harsh Puri
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